Football Depth by Class 2023
[What is this chart? Explanation below. Updated 7/24/23. Link to full expanded roster here.]
About the stars next to each player's name: this is a new addition and I'd love some feedback about it.
- Full star = a "blue chip" player. One who was a 4- or 5-star recruit coming out of high school.
- Half star = a high-3 star player. Probably someone you'd recruit over if given the chance, but isn't an immediate need.
- Empty star = a mid- to low-3 star player. Usually this is where you're looking to upgrade your roster. Of course, there are players on the roster (like Jaylen Wright and Jabari Small) that are low-3 star players that preform well--it's not an exact science.
- NR = unranked players, walk-ons, etc. Often these guys are role players, special teamers, or scout team. Sometimes one of these players will be counted on to step into a bigger role (like Dane Davis), but you'd probably rather they don't have to (like, well, yeah).
Depth by class is intended to provide at-a-glance information about the health of each position group in terms of age and experience and where upcoming needs may be. For example, if all of your offensive tackles are juniors and seniors, you know that is a position of need in recruiting--in fact it may be too late to shore up that position for future success (I'm looking at you, Derrick Dooley).
This used to be pretty straight-forward. However, the transfer portal has made the end of a player's eligibility unpredictable as a player can at any time decide to dip out of the program altogether. At the same time, replacement pieces don't necessarily have to be recruited when they can just materialize out of the portal. The extra year of eligibility given to players in 2020 has also made tracking a player's remaining years more difficult. And on top of that, even the school's official roster does not make it clear when a player has used a redshirt season.
Despite all that, this is my best attempt at such a chart. Corrections/suggestions in the comments below or | @cornfromajar on twitter or instagram.